Parkway Baptist Church

Missions . . . A Quick View
Missions is an important part of church life at Parkway. Our giving and service demonstrates our love for Christ and the world around us. Our involvement reaches from the local level to destinations around the globe. How can you be involved in these noble missions? Here are few ways we have we know of:
Julia Woodward Missions Offering
Assurance Pregnancy Crisis Center Baby Bottle Project, Lexington KY
Projects with the Central Kentucky Network of Baptists, Lexington KY
Feed My Starving Children
Partnership Projects with Mary Todd Elementary School
Helping feed workers at Keenland Racetrack each year
WMU (Women's Missionary Union), Parkway
Eliza Broadus State Missions Offering
Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions
Operation Christmas Child
Parkway Baptist Church
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Sunday School
each Sunday
9:30 am
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